A huge selection of Dolls and Stuffed Animals by long-time favorites. From Ginny and Madame Alexander dolls to unique Artisan dolls by Maggie Iacono and many others. One of A kind Teddy Bears and Stuffed Animals from renowned American Artists, including Jane Monroe, Deb Canham and Karen Meer. But we also have classics like Steiff and Cramer. Don't miss-out at 40% off these amazing deals won't last long. and are only available while Supplies Last! Discount automatically applied at checkout!
The Nuzzling Bear by Cramer
Liesbet, by Paulinette
Pumpkin Cat, by Deb Canham
Bug by Berdine Creedy
Madison, A Paulinette Doll
Amelia by Paulinette
Blue Satin Sweetheart Ginny
Birgit by Montedragone
All-Bisque Googly, by Margaret Wolfe
Aristocratic Husband By Peter Wolf
Percy Penguin, by Deb Canham
Rex Rooster By Marsha Friesen
Bearkin The Ski Bear by Cramer
Steiff Musical Birthday Bear
Bruin Bear by Robert Raikes
Virginia By Maggie Iacono
Friendly Fay by Berdine Creedy
Bee by Berdine Creedy
Mari by Annette Herrmann