When a naturally vibrant and animated person as Berdine Creedy describes her new line of dolls as "really exciting," you just know that they really must be so. While expression and costuming continue to be the forefront of her designs, her work now also shows a new direction in technical details. Take, for example, her Magnekids Series, a unique concept by which a doll can easily be transformed from seated to standing poses, as can hair style and color
Bug by Berdine Creedy
Friendly Fay by Berdine Creedy
Uli The Red-Haired Boy
Princess Berdina by Berdine Creedy
Red Haired Girl With Toy Kitten
Red Haired Surisa by Berdine Creedy
Serious Sadi by Berdine Creedy
Pouty Pia, by Berdine Creedy