What Frolicks Are Here- Fine Antique Dolls from Estates and Private Collections



"What Frolicks Are Here - Fine Antique Dolls from Estates and Private Collections.”
Spring has sprung! You could dance around the Maypole. You could hang May Day baskets on the neighbor’s door. Or you could come to our festive May Day auction of great antique dolls. Here’s what you will find. Rare and exquisite French bisque bébés from the most sought-after doll makers including Bru, Schmitt, Halopeau (“H”), Jumeau, Joanny, Steiner, Gaultier, and others. German bisque art characters that are as captivating as they are rare from Kammer and Reinhardt, Kestner, Simon and Halbig, and Gebruder Heubach. There are mischievous googlies, elegant poupées, mignonettes, all-bisque characters, automata including a superb piece by Henri Phalibois, and pristine dolls such as Marion Kaulitz, early Kathe Kruse, fabulous collection of rare Heubach figurines, early paper mache, rare Meissen porcelain ladies, Door of Hope dolls, rare ladies of bisque and porcelain with sculpted hair, early wooden and American folk. More than 300 lots are featured here. 8.5" x 11", softbound, commemorative catalog. BT-320

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